By Renias Mhlongo | Translated by Alex van den Heever
Renias Mhlongo was born in what is today the greater Kruger National Park. As a young boy Renias was responsible for 17 head of cattle; protecting them from lions, hyaenas and leopards resident in the area. His father’s rule was simple – come home with all the cows or not at all. Today Renias is recognised as one of the best wildlife trackers in the world. Alex van den Heever, his friend and colleague of 23 years, sat down with Renias to hear his thoughts on diversity and transformation in South Africa. Together with Alex, Renias has spoken internationally on the “The Power of Relationships” – their motivational presentation.
Here Renias offers 10 practical ways in which business leaders may improve their intercultural relationships and realise the power of diversity. The points below were translated by Alex. Renias’s home language is Tsonga.