Alex explains why tracking is so important in our personal and professional lives.

Leading a team on Zoom all day is challenging. Why not shake things up with a virtual adventure of a different kind?

Come tracking lions with us.

Following a fresh lion trail on foot is a thrilling experience. You are facing the world’s most charismatic animal. The uncertainty of what may happen focuses your mind – in a way that is primal.

Screengrab from Tracking Success virtual adventure

All your senses are alive.

Is that a paw print? Where are they going? Are they hunting? These are some of the questions that you ponder as you interpret their trail.

To close the gap on the lion, you must form a mental image of their activity – assembled from all your observations and previous experiences.

Invariably you lose track, which causes distress, but it’s part of the process.

And when you finally encounter them, they will glare at you with yellow eyes, growl, and occasionally charge up to you – causing adrenaline and cortisol to flood your body.

Charging lion. Photo by our friend, Rex Miller

Your success, your safety; is your ability to read the signs.

Tracking animals is not just an ancient African craft. It is also a powerful metaphor that allows us to find our way in a chaotic modern world.

To learn the principles of tracking and how to apply them in your life, join Tracking Success.

Screengrab from Tracking Success virtual adventure


Alex and Renias are capable of utterly breaking down cultural barriers in the workplace.

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